Thursday, September 21, 2023

Number Patterns/ Sequences - Review of HW1

We are starting to prepare our REVISION for the End-of-Year exam. 

Number Sequence HW1 was returned to you today. 
While you might have found the answers to all the questions, it would be very helpful if you watch the clips to revisit the approach, as well as the presentation the working. 
It would take less than 15 minutes. 

SUGGESTED approach: 
(1) Spend 3 minutes to read through the questions and your answers. 
(2) Watch the Playlist.

LINK to Playlist

[Something Interesting... on Quadratic Sequences, i.e. involving "n square"] 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

SPHERE: Curved Surface Area and Volume

CURVED SURFACE AREA of SPHERE... but a proof but something easy to remember...

VOLUME: Making a connection between SPHERE and CONE